Prof. Dr. Markus Hadwiger

Professor of Computer Science

Visual Computing Center, Bldg. 1, Office 2119
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

+966 (0) 12-808-0260

Research Interests

​Prof. Hadwiger’s research interests are in scientific visualization and visual computing. They specifically focus on the visualization of extreme-scale data, volume visualization, flow visualization, differential geometry and mathematical physics in visualization, medical visualization, large-scale image and volume processing, multi-resolution and out-of-core techniques, domain-specific languages for visualization, interactive segmentation and feature identification, and GPU algorithms and architecture.

Education Profile

  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2004
  • Dipl.-Ing. (MS), Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2000

Professional Profile

  • 2021 - : Professor of Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2014 - 2021: Associate Professor of Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2009 – 2014: Assistant Professor of Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2004 – 2009: Senior Researcher for Visualization at the VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria.
  • 2000 - 2004: Researcher in Basic Research on Visualization and Medical Visualization, VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria.


  • Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2023.
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2021.
  • Best Paper Award at CGI 2021.
  • Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2020 (IEEE Scientific Visualization 2020).
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award (top four papers) at IEEE Information Visualization 2014.
  • Best Poster Award at Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) 2014.
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award (top five papers) at IEEE Pacific Visualization 2013.
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award (top three papers) at IEEE Scientific Visualization 2012.
  • Best Application Paper Award at IEEE Visualization 2007.

KAUST Affiliations

  • Visual Computing Center (VCC)
  • Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE)

Recent Publications


Deep synthesis and exploration of omnidirectional stereoscopic environments from a single surround-view panoramic image

G. Pintore, A. Jaspe-Villanueva, M. Hadwiger, J. Schneider, M. Agus, F. Marton, F. Bettio, E. Gobbetti
Computers & Graphics (Honorable Mention Award at Web3D 2023)


Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Dyadic Sequences

A. Ahmed, M. Skopenkov, M. Hadwiger, P. Wonka

Vortex Lens: Interactive Vortex Core Line Extraction using Observed Line Integral Convolution

P. Rautek, X. Zhang, B. Woschizka, T. Theußl, M. Hadwiger
IEEE VIS 2023 (Best Paper Award)

Residency Octree: A Hybrid Approach for Scalable Web-Based Multi-Volume Rendering

L. Herzberger, M. Hadwiger, R. Krüger, P. Sorger, H. Pfister, E. Gröller, J. Beyer

PanoVerse: automatic generation of stereoscopic environments from single indoor panoramic images for Metaverse applications

G. Pintore, A. Jaspe-Villanueva, M. Hadwiger, E. Gobbetti, J. Schneider, M. Agus
Web3D 2023 (Honorable Mention Award)

Doppler Volume Rendering: A Dynamic, Piecewise Linear Spectral Representation for Visualizing Astrophysics Simulations

R. Alghamdi, T. Müller, A. Jaspe-Villanueva, M. Hadwiger, F. Sadlo
Eurovis 2023

Real-Time Visualization of Large-Scale Geological Models with Nonlinear Feature-Preserving Levels of Detail

R. Sicat, M. Ibrahim, A. Ageeli, F. Mannuss, P. Rautek, M. Hadwiger

Multivariate Probabilistic Range Queries for Scalable Interactive 3D Visualization

A. Ageeli, A. Jaspe-Villanueva, R. Sicat, F. Mannuss, P. Rautek, M. Hadwiger


A Survey of Visualization and Analysis in High-Resolution Connectomics

J. Beyer, J. Troidl, S. Boorboor, M. Hadwiger, A. Kaufman, H. Pfister
Eurovis STARs 2022

Barrio: Customizable Spatial Neighborhood Analysis and Comparison for Nanoscale Brain Structures

J. Troidl, C. Cali, E. Gröller, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger, J. Beyer
Eurovis 2022

Interactive Exploration of Physically-Observable Objective Vortices in Unsteady 2D Flow

X. Zhang, M. Hadwiger, T. Theußl, P. Rautek
IEEE VIS 2021 (Honorable Mention Best Paper)


Vortex Criteria can be Objectivized by Unsteadiness Minimization

H. Theisel, M. Hadwiger, P. Rautek, T. Theußl, T. Günther
Physics of Fluids

A Practical and Efficient Model for Intensity Calibration of Multi-Light Image Collections

R. Pintus, A. Jaspe-Villanueva, A. Zorcolo, M. Hadwiger, E. Gobbetti
The Visual Computer (CGI 2021 Best Paper Award)

Thin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains

F. Herter, H. Hege, M. Hadwiger, V. Lepper, D. Baum
Eurovis 2021

VICE: Visual Identification and Correction of Neural Circuit Errors

F. Gonda, X. Wang, J. Beyer, M. Hadwiger, J. Lichtman, H. Pfister
Eurovis 2021

Objective Observer-Relative Flow Visualization in Curved Spaces for Unsteady 2D Geophysical Flows

P. Rautek, M. Mlejnek, J. Beyer, J. Troidl, H. Pfister, T. Theußl, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2020 (Best Paper Award)


A Visual Analytics Based Decision Making Environment for COVID-19 Modeling and Visualization

S. Afzal, S. Ghani, H. Jenkins-Smith, D. Ebert, M. Hadwiger, I. Hoteit
IEEE Visualization 2020 Short Papers


Interactive Volumetric Visual Analysis of Glycogen-derived Energy Absorption in Nanometric Brain Structures

M. Agus, C. Cali, A. Al-Awami, E. Gobbetti, P. Magistretti, M. Hadwiger
Eurovis 2019

Time-Dependent Flow seen through Approximate Observer Killing Fields

M. Hadwiger, M. Mlejnek, T. Theußl, P. Rautek
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2018

Culling for Extreme-Scale Segmentation Volumes: A Hybrid Deterministic and Probabilistic Approach

J. Beyer, H. Mohammed, M. Agus, A. Al-Awami, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2018


A Lagrangian Method for Extracting Eddy Boundaries in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

A. Friederici, H. Kele, I. Hoteit, T. Weinkauf, H. Theisel, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2018 Short Papers

Abstractocyte: A Visual Tool for Exploring Nanoscale Astroglial Cells

H. Mohammed, A. Al-Awami, J. Beyer, C. Cali, P. Magistretti, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2017

Screen-Space Normal Distribution Function Caching for Consistent Multi-Resolution Rendering of Large Particle Data

M. Ibrahim, P. Wickenhäuser, P. Rautek, G. Reina, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2017

SparseLeap: Efficient Empty Space Skipping for Large-Scale Volume Rendering

M. Hadwiger, A. Al-Awami, J. Beyer, M. Agus, H. Pfister
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2017



JiTTree: A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure

M. Labschütz, S. Bruckner, E. Gröller, M. Hadwiger, P. Rautek
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2015

NeuroBlocks - Visual Tracking of Segmentation and Proofreading for Large Connectomics Projects

A. Al-Awami, J. Beyer, D. Haehn, N. Kasthuri, J. Lichtman, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2015


A Novel framework for visual detection and exploration of performance bottlenecks in organic photovoltaic solar cell materials

A. Aboulhassan, D. Baum, O. Wodo, B. Ganapathysubramanian, A. Amassian, M. Hadwiger
Eurovis 2015


NeuroLines: A Subway Map Metaphor for Visualizing Nanoscale Neuronal Connectivity

A. Al-Awami, J. Beyer, H. Strobelt, N. Kasthuri, J. Lichtman, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Information Visualization 2014 (Honorable Mention Best Paper)

Sparse PDF Volumes for Consistent Multi-Resolution Volume Rendering

R. Sicat, J. Krüger, T. Möller, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2014

ViSlang: A System for Interpreted Domain-specific Languages for Scientific Visualization

P. Rautek, S. Bruckner, M. Gröller, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2014


ConnectomeExplorer: Query-Guided Visual Analysis of Large Volumetric Neuroscience Data

J. Beyer, A. Al-Awami, N. Kasthuri, J. Lichtman, H. Pfister, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2013


Sparse PDF Maps for Non-Linear Multi-Resolution Image Operations

M. Hadwiger, R. Sicat, J. Beyer, J. Krüger, T. Möller

Interactive Volume Exploration of Petascale Microscopy Data Streams Using a Visualization-Driven Virtual Memory Approach

M. Hadwiger, J. Beyer, W. Jeong, H. Pfister
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2012 (Honorable Mention Best Paper)

SeiVis: An Interactive Visual Subsurface Modeling Application

T. Höllt, W. Freiler, F. Gschwantner, H. Doleisch, G. Heinemann, M. Hadwiger
IEEE Scientific Visualization 2012